Tag Archives: Apple Crumble

Hey, It’s Tasty . . . Friday!

Apple CrumbleSo… I’ve been experiencing some technical difficulties here at expatrimummy, hence the lack of posting, and though the issues aren’t quite ironed out I expect they will be soon. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, how about a Tasty Tuesday on Friday? Today we’re making apple crumble–an easy classic British dessert, similar to an American apple crisp, but probably with way more butter and sugar involved.

I don’t follow a specific recipe; my mother-in-law taught me how to make this many years ago before we were in-laws at all. It’s simple and a great comfort food for a cold winter’s night.

Apple Crumble

As many cooking apples (peeled, cored and sliced) as will fit into your chosen baking dish.
Equal parts white flour, white sugar, and about half as much butter (I generally use a cup of flour and sugar and either add more if I need it or freeze the excess).

  1. Peel, core and slice your apples and put them in your baking dish.
  2. Mix together the flour and sugar, then cut in the butter.
  3. Sprinkle the flour mixture overtop the apples, then put in a 350°F oven and bake until done, about 30 minutes.

You can vary this by adding sugar to the apples if they’re particularly tart, or cinnamon, or add cinnamon to the topping or use brown sugar instead of white. My mother-in-law frequently adds blackberries to the apples if she’s got them to hand. Make it your own or enjoy as is. Serve it with ice cream or custard (we don’t make our own custard from scratch; we use Bird’s Custard Powder made up with milk and sugar in the microwave).